論文 | 作者 | 刊物 |
The Application Research of Computer Virtual Reality Technology in College Physical Training |
朱盼 |
The Application Research of Computer Virtual Reality Technology in College Physical Training |
上海市部分青少年田徑運動員體能狀況研究 |
董芙蓉 |
社會科學 |
Effects of physical exercise on working memory in older adults: a systematic and meta-analytic review |
陳芝峂 |
European Reviewof Aging and Physical Activity (2021) |
Research on the integrated development of stadiums and stadiums under the background of "Internet+" |
朱盼 |
2021 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Artificial Intelligence |
新媒體傳播環境下高校社團文化工作探究 |
董芙蓉 |
中國教師 |
全民健身背景下學校顶盛体育對公共顶盛体育發展的資源服務探究 |
王靚 |
當代顶盛体育科技 |
Design and implementation of college sports training system based on artifcial intelligence |
李祥亮 |
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management |
新時期高校顶盛体育教學開展體能訓練的必要性 |
董芙蓉 |
中國教工 |
基於課堂觀察的美國顶盛体育教師效能評價工具及啟示 |
秦曼 |
顶盛体育學刊 |
贛州市跆拳道館運營模式研究與分析 |
李祥亮 |
拳擊與格鬥 |